Slush Drinks: A Recipe for Post-Lockdown Recovery

We’ll have to leave our delicious syrups on the side for a moment as there’s no way of sugar-coating this: 2020 and the start of 2021 have been tough for many businesses, especially within the hospitality sector.

Now more than ever, it’s vital to think outside the box to recover from the financial damage caused by three lockdowns (at the time of writing this article, at least).

Sometimes, the best ideas are also the simplest ones. In our case? A slush machine, just like the ones you were thrilled to see as a child.

Why slush drinks are the perfect post-lockdown drink

Walks together are the new brunch! From the four million people who have been identified as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ to those who’re still trying to ease themselves back into meeting friends safely, not everyone will be ready to return to indoor venues as soon as they open.

Following local restrictions and what they personally feel comfortable with, more and more UK citizens have been opting for runs and walks with a friend, and this is also a popular way for families to get their kids out of the house safely.

That’s why, even though it’s always been a tempting choice, a drink that can be sipped during a casual stroll is even more perfect in 2021 and is now available completely sugar free!.

How slush can maximise your profits in 2021

There are several reasons why a humble slush machine can help you recover from the latest lockdown.

1. A slush machine will turn an unused part of your countertop into a highly profitable area

Our slush machines are only 42 cm wide. It really won’t be hard to reorganise your countertop to fit one.

That way, you’ll be able to turn a virtually dead area into a money-making machine that increases your revenue.

Interested in offering slush to your customers?

2. It’s eye-catching and grabs the attention

While they’re not too wide, slush machines are so colourful that it’d be impossible not to spot them.

Place them strategically so that they can be seen when walking by or from a child’s height while the parents are queuing.

People are already familiar with slushies, so seeing these machines and the bright syrupy content inside them will be a marketing magnet in itself.

3. Slush is a highly #instagrammable drink

As well as the pictures and videos that you post to promote your business, don’t forget about how your customers’ content can benefit you.

Colourful and fun, slushies are a popular drink to photograph and post on socials. How many times have you seen a picture or an Instagram boomerang of someone drinking one?

When you make it easy for them to tag you, most of these people’s friends and followers will find out that you now sell ice-cool slush.

4. A slush machine is such a small investment

The best thing about investing in a slush machine is that… it doesn’t have to be an investment at all!

At Rainbow Slush we let you borrow them at competitive prices and for however long you need them. We have two main options:

A machine rental agreement for 3 months or longer involving a small deposit and payments starting from as little as £145 per month.

A free on-loan agreement including a free three-month trial, no upfront deposit, and with an average monthly spend of £250 per month.

5. It’s incredibly easy to organise

When you rent a slush machine through Rainbow Slush, you don’t have to worry about the logistic side of things.

We offer you all the promotional point of sale materials that you could dream of to promote the fact that now you’re even more awesome for selling slush.

As for deliveries of everything you might need (from syrups to cups and straws), we can arrange them for the next day, so you won’t have to worry about bulky boxes of excess stock nor wastages or big upfront payments.

Just order what you need and when you need it (for example, if you’re preparing for a busier bank holiday weekend).

6. Slush machines can work in many different settings

If you’re wondering ‘can a slush machine work in my business premises?’, the answer is likely to be… heck yes!

Think about it. If your venue engages people passing by or those spending a few hours there, a slush machine would only benefit you. As well as obvious choices like cafés, restaurants and kiosks, it could increase the revenue of places such as soft-play centres, zoos, parks, leisure centres, or even bigger organisations split across several sites.

Get ready for post-lockdown life with a sweet ace up your sleeve. Call us on 01244 879979 or drop us an email at to find out how renting a slush machine could benefit your specific business.