How to clean a slush machine condenser

Slush machines are super simple to use and extremely low maintenance. However, any slush machine should be cleaned regularly to prevent damage and maintain high hygiene standards.

Don’t panic! We will show you how to clean a slush machine condenser from Rainbow Slush in our video below.

Alternatively, simply follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Remove the side panel


2. Clean the condenser with a brush


3. Do not clean the condenser side-to-side


4. Replace the side panel


Voila, you’re done! That was easy, wasn’t it?

Remember to clean your slush machine condenser weekly.

A dirty condenser can cause compressor damage.
Please also note that these instructions are specifically for slush machines supplied by Rainbow Slush and steps may vary.

For further instructional videos about Rainbow Slush machines, visit our you tube channel.


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